Friday, January 25, 2019

Book Review: Candle Drippings

Last year, the Journal of Dispensational Theology published a review of the book for which this blog is named and from which some of these entries provide an extension. That is, some of the entries on this blog came from the newsletters that were not among those included in the book. I am indebted to my friend and colleague, Terry Holsinger for his kind words and insightful observations. With the permission of the Editor of the Journal, I would like to share Terry's review with you, my readers. Here, in its entirety is the review:

Kenneth R. Cooper has built a delightful book around forty-nine selections for reflection and devotion which are ideally suited for the bedside table, morning coffee, or lunch. As Dr. Ken indicated on several occasions, his thinking process is suited to almost any occasion. The selections in this book cover the time span of Dr. Ken's life from 1984 through 2000. Most are dated in the mid-late 1990's. However, one devotional is reviewed and updated in 2014. Aside from that, the latest rendering is from 2000.
            Almost half of these remarkable renderings are from Ken's personal life. Many start with a special memory or build on an experience he had. They then develop a strong biblically based thought to bring comfort, encouragement, or devotional strength to the reader. A number reflect a personally difficult point in his life like those believers all suffer from time to time. Others are oriented to the outdoors and are centered on his experiences with Boy Scouting in the vast reserves of Texas. These experiences and pointed applications will leave the reader with plenty to contemplate. Many will stick with the reader throughout the day, giving sustenance for those particular times in life when it is greatly needed.
            Another feature of Candle Drippings is Dr. Ken's reliance on references from well-known authors or personal friends. He refers to everything from Alice in Wonderland to Arnold Toynbee, C. S. Lewis to Snoopy, utilizing their writings an thoughts as applications appropriate for today's heartaches and joys. Using Old and New testament references is also a common feature of this book. The references are taken from the New American Standard Bible and are found in nearly all these articles.
            Overall, Candle Drippings is highly recommended and would be a tremendous addition to anyone's personal library. Available in paperback, it is affordable and well worth owning a copy. The book contains many personal references and thoughts upon which the reader may ponder, as well as ample space for notes which makes Candle Drippings a true keepsake.

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