His Joy....Lingering
"This is the day
which the Lord has made." The words came from the Bible. But that morning
in late autumn, I heard them from the lips of my high school senior English
teacher. As she closed the door of the classroom, she leaned her back against
it, clutching our research papers to her breast, and finished the verse,
"Let us rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118.24) I guess she had
reason to rejoice. After the entire class had failed the outlining assignment
three times, we'd finally gotten it right. Quoting Scripture was, for Dr.
Jordan, a classic way of expressing her delight in our accomplishment.
And isn't that another
meaning of real joy? An expression of delight. A response to the Lord whose
very presence fills our spirit with joy. Real joy is a deep, abiding sense of
the presence of God in your life. But who can keep such an awareness to
himself? When we sense His presence, we frequently respond to it with praise
and delight. And we frequently share with others that which brings us delight,
that which we love with more than a passing devotion. "Joy is not just the
experience of God...," Lewis Smedes observed, "though being with Him
in the sight of His beauty will be the ultimate joy.... There is an earthly
joy, a joy of the outer as well as the inner self." This joy of the outer self
is a visible expression of the joy of the inner self. It is the active
rejoicing in God's presence and in His creation that we often associate with
praise because praise is an expression of our delight in the Lord. "Let us
rejoice and be glad!" Or as the Apostle Paul expressed it, "Rejoice
in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!" (Philippians 4.4) Or
"Let the heart of those who seek the Lord rejoice!" (Psalm 105.3b)
Furthermore, we know joy
not only as God's presence and God's praise, but also as God's pleasure. On
more than one occasion, God said to Jesus, "This is My Son, the Beloved,
in whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3.17; 12.18; 17.5). Why was He well
pleased with Jesus? For at least two reasons. First, naturally, because Jesus
was His Son; and in the very relationship, God found pleasure. Our own joy, the
joy of the Christian life flows from our relationship with Jesus, and overflows
into our relationships with others in Jesus Christ.
In John 15, Jesus taught
the parable of the vine and the branches, stressing that such a relationship
with Him is both foundational and vital. Flowing from that relationship, His
joy fills our spirit and our life. He said, "These things I have spoken to
you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full" (John
15.11). He focused on two necessary features of this relationship: first, we
must abide in Him (John 15.4). Basically, this means to take up
residence, to continue to be present, or not to depart from Him. If we, as
branches, are attached to Him, we must stay there. Second, we must abide in
His love (John 15.9); and as a result of abiding in His love, we must
"love one another, just as I have loved you" (John 15.12). You see,
the dynamic of the relationship is mutual, Christ-like love. In fact, joy, to
exist, depends on that love. God delights in His Son because He loves Him.
Jesus delights in us because He loves us. We delight in Him and in each other
because we love Him and we love one another.
Joy is a flower that
grows only in the soil of love. Love gold, and gold will give you joy for a
season. Love God, and God will fill you with His joy.
Jesus also found
pleasure in His Father's eyes through obedience. And the same applies to us.
Jesus said, "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just
as I have kept My Father's commandments, and abide in His love" (John
15.10). Obedience to His commandments deepens our love which in turn deepens
our experience of His joy. Eric Liddell, winner of the gold medal in the 400
meter race of the 1924 Olympics, told his sister, "I believe that God made
me for a purpose. For China. But He also made me fast, and when I run I feel
His pleasure." When we do what God created us to do, we, too, will feel
His pleasure; and we will sense His presence. In both, we will know His joy. And
remember, it is His presence, His praise, His pleasure.Therefore, His
joy! And we will express that joy in praise and rejoicing through His name.
"This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in
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