Christmas Love Story
Note: The following article was originally published in The
Prophetic Round-Up, Abilene, Texas, November-December, 1987, edition. My thanks
to Editor, Sam "Shmuel" Peak for permission to reprint articles I
have written for the Round-Up. I have slightly edited this version to
tighten some parts and to clarify others. May the Lord use it to encourage and edify
many. (All Scripture references in this article are from the King James
Version unless otherwise indicated.)
Valentine Michael Smith came from Mars with a whole new
idea about love and inter-personal relationships. When he tried to explain his
idea to earth people, he developed an almost cultic following. And he incited a
great deal of opposition. Particularly since his idea was not too different
from many of the modern group sex philosophies. Robert Heinlein tells about
Smith's cult and its influence in his revolutionary novel, Stranger in a Strange Land. (1961, 1991)
Another stranger in a strange land reveals a deeper, more
profound, more lasting concept of love. A young woman named Ruth, a worshipper
of the Moabite god Chemosh, left the only homeland she knew to come to Israel.
There she became a noteworthy ancestor of Jesus Christ Himself. Ruth did not
bring a new concept of love with her. Instead, in her experience in the house
of Naomi and in the grain fields of Boaz, Ruth discovered a new kind of love
and a new kind of life transcending all boundaries--racial, ethnic, geographic.
And ultimately her love story is the story of God's love revealed in Christ
Jesus. Check out some of the similarities.
For example, in the last chapter of the Book of Ruth, the
author describes her marriage to Boaz. Among the characteristics similar to the
story of Jesus there is first the focus on the divine activity surrounding the birth of her child. Before Ruth and
Boaz even consummated their marriage, the people prayed for a special offspring,
and openly acknowledged that her seed would be a gift from God. Repetition in
the text reinforces the conviction of divine activity surrounding the
conception and birth of Obed. "Let thy house be like the house of
Pharez...of the seed which the Lord shall give thee..." (Ruth
4:12, italics mine), the people cried out to Boaz. Later, when Boaz "went
in unto [Ruth], the Lord gave her conception and she bare a son." (Ruth 4:13, italics
mine) While the conception of Obed was not a miraculous virgin conception like
that of Jesus, yet it did result from a direct act of God within the womb of
Ruth. God had intervened to assure a
male offspring that became an ancestor of Jesus; and as a result, significant
in the Messianic teaching of God's Word.
second characteristic is the significance
of the offspring. In the hope of Israel, Ruth's seed had to be a son so he
could "raise up the name of the dead...that the name of the dead be not
cut off from his brethren...." (Ruth 4:10) The Hebrew Scriptures which we
call the Old Testament contain little teaching about immortality and eternal
life as we understand them. The patriarchs believed in a literal resurrection, as
Job 19:25-27 indicates, but knew or understood little about it. To them,
immortality meant perpetuating one's name and inheritance through one's
offspring. And for this kind of immortality, only a son would do. This explains
the prayer of Boaz in Ruth 4:10. It further explains the gravity of Onan's sin
in Genesis 38:8-10, because unlike Boaz, Onan essentially cut off his brother's
name. It was not a "sexual sin" as such, but rather a willful refusal
to honor the inheritance of his dead brother. Boaz, on the other hand,
intentionally chose to continue the name of Mahlon, Ruth's dead husband by
marrying Ruthann producing a child in the name of Mahlon. More important in the
history of Israel is the fact that any
son born to a household might in fact be the promised Messiah. As the last few
verses of Ruth indicate, Obed was not the Messiah; but he kept the line alive
in the providence of God and became an ancestor of Christ. Thus he insured, or
rather God insured through him, that the "son that is given" (Isaiah
9:6) would eventually appear.
place of Obed's birth provides yet
another important analogy. "Do thou worthily in Ephratah," the people
said to Boaz, "and be famous in Bethlehem." (Ruth 4:11) As the first
part of the book shows, the home of Boaz as well as the home of Naomi lay in
the little village of Bethlehem. So, although the text does not explicitly say
so, it implies through this blessing of the people on Boaz that Obed was born
there, too. Bethlehem, five miles southeast of Jerusalem, held fond memories
for all Israel. Jacob buried Rachel there. David held his coronation there.
Here Ruth and Boaz settled there to raise their family. And later the prophet
Micah would proclaim of Bethlehem, " though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out
of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose
goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting." (Micah 5:2)
Not only was Bethlehem to become famous, but Boaz's son was to become famous in
Bethlehem, meaning he would receive great acclaim, renown, or appellation.
Nowhere does the Scripture reveal Obed achieving renown. But from Bethlehem,
his grandson David rose to become the most famous king of Israel. And from his
seed came Jesus, the most worthy character in all history. And both these
ancestors of Jesus were born in Bethlehem (see 1 Samuel 20:4; Matthew 2:1; Luke
Fourthly, surrounding the birth of the child were two items of vital significance in
redemptive history. The women of Bethlehem said to Naomi, "Blessed be the Lord, which hath not left thee this day
without a kinsman...." (Ruth 4:14) In Old Testament theology, the term
kinsman is one of the most important terms. It refers to more than just a
relative of any kind, but to one who is a close relative. Robert Strong
translates it "next of kin" to stress its importance. Some
commentaries note that in many contexts the writers combine the ideas of
relationship and redemption and indicate the kinsman is a "kinsman-redeemer."
It is used in the Book of Ruth this way; and in subsequent Jewish theology, ga-al (the kinsman-redeemer) is one who
buys back the property of a relative who may have lost it through negligence,
debt, or some other means. The ga-al
buys it back to keep it in the family. He delivers his relative from danger,
from judgment, or from his enemies. So, in Ruth, the people blessed the Lord
because he has provided Naomi with a redeemer. And He has provided us with a
Redeemer in the ancestor of Ruth, Jesus Christ, who adopts us into His family
so He can actually be our "Kinsman- Redeemer."
The second aspect of
redemption history in the story of Obed is the effect of redemption. The
kinsman-redeemer becomes "a restorer of...life, and a nourisher of... old age." (Ruth 4:15) These
terms indicate that God has caused life to strengthen as it aged, or more
literally to "turn back" as though becoming youthful again. And
"to nourish" means to maintain and to guide. In Jesus Christ, we have
one who redeems life, restores its power, maintains its vitality, and guides it
unto Himself.
Finally, the child of
Ruth and Boaz contributed to building up
of the house of Israel (Ruth 4:11). God had promised Abraham a seed that
would number as the sand of the sea. Not only was Israel to grow in number, but
also to develop a quality of life surpassing that of the surrounding nations.
God had commanded them to be holy as He is holy (Leviticus 19:2). Obed, whose
name means "worshipper," was to aid in the development of Israel along
these lines, lines of holiness and quality of life. And since he fell into the
lineage of the Messiah, he contributed to the greatest building up of Israel
spiritually. He was the grandfather of David to whom God had made the promise
of an everlasting kingdom. And of his descendant, Jesus, the wise men from the
East came to Jerusalem inquiring "Where is he that is born King of the
Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him."
(Matthew 2:2) Jesus, the Son of David (Matthew 1: 1) inherited that everlasting
kingdom; and even before His birth, the angel told Mary, "the Lord God
shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the
house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end."
(Luke 1:32b-33, italics mine)
At this Christmas season,
let us, too, worship Him who in love came to Bethlehem to inherit that
everlasting kingdom and to be the Kinsman-Redeemer of all who trust Him for